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SUN L, The Emergence of Appropriate Technology: The Localization of German Krupp Artillery Technology in China (1866–1932), Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology, 2023(07) No.1: 1-39.
Sun L. Shen Hong: A legendary engineer of China’s modern machinery industry[C]//Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms: Proceedings of the 2018 HMM IFToMM Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms. Springer International Publishing, 2019: 41-52.
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Lin T Y, Zhang B, Lu D M, et al. On the mechanism analysis of the vertical shaft type wind-power Chinese square-pallet chain-pump //International symposium on history of machines and mechanisms. Springer, Dordrecht, 2009: 309-324.
Sun L., “Technological continuation and innovation: three super combined bridge of the Qiantang River and the Yangtze River, 1935-1969”. Transport Session, ICHST 2021. Prague (online). 2021.07.29.
SUN L. Problems and progress in the Research on the History of China’s Modern Military Technology. 1stCIAHS. 2019.9.11. Athens, Greece.
SUN L. From Binoculars to Cinetheodolite: The Development of Applied Optics and the Optical Industry in China. APS (American Physical Society) March Meeting. Boston, USA. 2019.3.5.
SUN L. Technology Transfer and Standardization of Light and Heavy Weapons in China (1864-1955). The 6th Forum on Histoty and Heritage of Technology in China (第六届中国技术史与技术遗产论坛) 2018.06.04-05.
SUN L. SHEN Hong (1906-1998): A Legendary Engineer of China’s Modern Machinery Industry. 6th International Symposium on HMM 2018. 2018.09.26-28.
SUN L. Worker-engineers who built “Big Machines”: A Case Study of Industrial Artisans in China in 1960s. SHOT-IHNS-CNSM workshop: Craft and innovation in modern societies. Hangzhou. 2018.
SUN Lie. German Krupp and Late Qing Chinese Artillery: Technology Transfer through Trade and Imitation. “SHOT 2016”. National University of Singapore. 2016.
SUN Lie. Micro Scratches on Typical Southern Chinese Bronzes.HMMS 2016. UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE QUERETARO. 2016.
Sun Lie. Technology Education and Military Training, Translation Progress: German Steam Locomotives in China, Conclusion of the Project Technology Transfer between Germany and China. “The Workshop on Making Technology Appropriate: Technology Transfer from Germany to China” Beijing & Berlin. 2014.
SUN Lie. Progress and Problems: Archival collection and Analysis of the Ordnance Technology Transfer from Germany to China. Universität Zürich. 2013
SUN Lie. Die Traditionelle Windmühle in China. “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (2013)”. Technische Universität Berlin. 2013
SUN Lie. Progress and Problems: The Research of Ordnance Technology Transfer from Germany to China. “The 1st Workshop on Making Technology Appropriate: Technology Transfer from Germany to China”.Beijing. 2012.
SUN Lie. How did Chinese Manufacture “German Weapons”? A Comparison of Two Modes Base on the Imitation of Krupp Artillery and Mauser Rifles in China. “The 2nd Workshop on Making Technology Appropriate: Technology Transfer from Germany to China”. Technische Universität Berlin. 2012