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The Making of Sweden's Leading Technical University: The Royal Institute of Technology from 1827 to Today


The Making of Sweden's Leading Technical

University: The Royal Institute of Technology

from 1827 to Today

报告标题:The Making of Sweden's Leading Technical University: The Royal Institute of Technology from 1827 to Today




报 告 人:Per Högselius教授

瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH)科学技术环境史系教授。主要研究领域是技术基础设施史、自然资源史、国际科技交流史。截至目前,Högselius教授已独著或合著出版8部学术专著,主编学术文集和专刊2种,Red Gas: Russia and the Origins of European Energy Dependence荣获2014年“Marshall D. Shulman Book Prize(ASEEES)”Europe’s Infrastructure Transition所属Making Europe丛书荣获“Chris Freeman Award(EASST)”

内容概要:KTH is Sweden's leading university and has a long and fascinating history that goes back to the early nineteenth century. This lecture explains how and why KTH was created and how engineering education in Sweden and Stockholm evolved in response to scientific and technological change, industrialization, globalization, and societal transformations. It also discusses the particular social backgrounds of KTH's students, and the particular culture of education at KTH, which was very different from that of Sweden's classical, non-technical universities. A further theme is the role of women at KTH, and how education and research have co-evolved in shaping KTH as a leading technical university.
