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中文题目: 中国氢氧火箭发动机技术创新
英文题目: Technical Innovation of LH2/LOX Rocket Engines in China
作 者: 李成智 马炳涛    
刊物名称: Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology
发表年度: 2020
卷: 4
期: 2
页码: 160–182
中文摘要: 本文从历史角度较为详细地介绍与分析了中国液氢液氧火箭发动机的技术创新历程。首先,介绍了中国科学院有关部门20世纪60年代对氢氧发动机开展的探索以及取得的初步进展;其次,对氢氧发动机研制的决策以及长征三号火箭立项和氢氧发动机研制过程进行了详细分析;再次,对中国氢氧发动机从4吨级到8吨级,再到50吨级几个阶段的发展概况及技术创新特点进行了介绍与总结;最后,简要分析了中国氢氧发动机创新的若干经验。
英文摘要: This paper provides a detailed introduction to and analysis of the course of China’s technological innovation in liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen (LH2/LOX) rocket engines from a historical point of view. It starts with the investigation of LH2/LOX rocket engines by relevant departments of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the 1960s and their preliminary achievements. Then, the policy decision concerning LH2/LOX engine development, the project approval of the Long March-3 (Chang Zheng-3, CZ-3) rocket, and the process of developing LH2/LOX engines are analyzed in detail, followed by an introduction to and summary of the development situation and technical innovation characteristics of China’s LH2/LOX engines as they grew from 4 tons to 8 tons, and finally to 50 tons. Finally, the paper briefly analyzes the innovation experience connected with China’s LH2/LOX engines.

