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中文题目: 包头白云鄂博矿综合利用之中科院化工冶金研究回顾
英文题目: An Overview of Comprehensive Utilization Research on Bayan Obo Mineral Resources by IPE CAS
作 者: 刘伟;方一兵;李道昭    
刊物名称: 工程研究:跨学科视野中的工程
发表年度: 2020
卷: 11
期: 6
页码: 576-586
中文摘要: 包头白云鄂博矿是我国大型多金属共生矿床,1954年开始建设的包头钢铁公司是新中国最早建设的钢铁工业基地之一,在1978年全国科学大会上又被确定为全国矿产资源综合利用三大基地之一。时任国务院副总理方毅领导和部署白云鄂博矿的综合利用工作,并调集了全国上百家相关单位参与该矿的研发利用。中国科学院化工冶金研究所(现过程工程研究所)首任所长叶渚沛早在1952年就主张以稀土元素综合利用为主,1962年他与同事实地考察后发表了《关于合理利用包头稀土稀有资源的建议》,但当时未被完全采纳。1978年起,作为中国科学院参与研究单位之一,化工冶金研究所承担了白云鄂博矿综合利用项目中的高炉富稀土渣综合利用等研究任务,经过协同攻坚,取得系列研究成果,为白云鄂博矿综合利用做出了重要贡献。梳理了叶渚沛在国家如何利用好稀土这种战略资源方面屡次建言献策得到中央领导重视的史实,记述了中科院科研人员开展包头矿化工冶金研究方面科技攻关的历程,分析了国家重大战略需求与科学技术咨询和研究之间的关系。藉此反映以过程工程研究所为代表的国立科研机构,围绕国家重大战略需求开展科技攻关的过程、成果及作用。
英文摘要: Bayan Obo in Baotou is a large polymetallic symbiotic mine in China.In 1978,comprehensive utilization research on Bayan Obo mineral resources was listed as one of the 108 key projects and 3 major research centers in China.As deputy premier of the State Council,Fang Yi,distributed scientific and technological research to more than a 100 institutes,universities,and enterprises,The first director of the Institute of Chemical Metallurgy,Chinese Academy of Sciences(ICM CAS,now Institute of Process Engineering,IPE CAS)Yap Chu-Phay made a forward-looking and strategic suggestion on the comprehensive utilization of Bayan Obo mineral resources in the 1950s-1960s;however,it was not totally accepted by the central ministries at that time.From 1978,ICM CAS assumed the important comprehensive utilization research mission that was to extractrare earth from the blast furnace slag of Bayan Obo ore.Scientists of the ICM CAS made fruitful research achievements with pilot test successes in Baotou enterprises.This paper analyses the relationship between scientific and technological consultation and research and major national strategicneeds through studying the history of Yap Chu-Phay’s suggestion of the comprehensive utilization of rare earth and the chemical metallurgy research on Bayan Obo mineral resources comprehensive utilization.From this case study,the paper reflects how Chinese state-run research institutions such as IPE CAS conduct scientific and technological research to meet major national strategic needs.

