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中文题目: 《〈太平惠民和剂局方〉方剂注释初探》
英文题目: Prescription annotations in Welfare Pharmacy
作 者: 韩毅    
刊物名称: 《王曾瑜先生八秩祝寿文集》
发表年度: 2018
期: 1
页码: 530-541
中文摘要: 《皇祐简要济众方》(以下简称《简要济众方》)是皇祐初年翰林医官使周应奉诏编撰的一部医学方书,也是宋朝编撰的第四部官修方书著作,其内容来源于宋初王怀隐等敕撰《太平圣惠方》和诸家已试验效名方,约在明末清初散佚。现存《简要济众方》中的内容,主要保存在朝鲜金礼蒙辑《御修医方类聚》,宋代医学家唐慎微原撰、艾晟校补《大观经史证类备急本草》,唐慎微原撰、曹孝忠校补、张存惠增订《重修政和经史证类备用本草》等医籍之中,包括肝脏门、心脏门、脾脏门、肺脏门、肾脏门、三焦门、中风门、大小便门和小儿门病候及治疗方剂百余首,治疗各种疾病和瘟疫。《简要济众方》受到宋朝皇帝、地方官吏、医学家和文人的重视,不仅被宋政府颁赐到诸路州县,而且在金元明清时期得到有效的传播,并流传至朝鲜、日本等地。
英文摘要: Welfare Pharmacy contains medical formulas documented by the government and official prescriptions used by the official pharmacy in the pharmaceutical process. In the last years of Southern Song Dynasty,anonyms gave a lot of prescription annotations,made textual researches for the name,source,composition and origin of the prescriptions,and supplemented important historical data of medical cases and researched historical facts. The annotations of Welfare Pharmacy gathered the essence of medical theory,and can be used as precious materials to correctly understand the syndrome differentiation,compatibility regularity and clinical application of prescriptions. This article deeply investigated the style and form of the prescription annotations in Welfare Pharmacy,the name of prescriptions and the evolution of terminology,the major functions of the prescriptions,processing methods,instructions for taking medicine and taboos of prescriptions,the medical cases and clinical efficacy of prescriptions,the backgrounds,sources,composition and cultural meanings of prescriptions,proposed that the prescription annotations played an active role in the textual dissemination,patent medicine production and clinical diagnosis and treatment of Welfare Pharmacy. This not only helps understand the changes in the names and terms of traditional Chinese medicines in Welfare Pharmacy,but also provides the basis for understanding the knowledge sources, compatibility regularity,important drug innovations and clinical medications of prescriptions in Welfare Pharmacy.

