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中文题目: 行为现象学:德雷福斯的一份学术遗产?
英文题目: Hubert Dreyfus and the Phenomenology of Action
作 者: 姚大志    
刊物名称: 科学技术哲学
发表年度: 2018
期: 5
页码: 45-52
中文摘要: 生存论现象学通常将置身其中的活动视为一种基本的行为类型,但在某种意义上忽视了思想或理性在人类行为中的作用。在某种意义上,德雷福斯和罗丹-罗路的对话围绕受意识驱动的活动展开,所涉及的行为类型不同于置身其中的行为。通过重构德雷福斯和麦克道尔的论战可以发现,理性因素以某种方式上渗透进了置身其中的行为,而后者可以进一步划分为两种亚行为类型。这些工作深化了有关人类具身行为与思想或理性之间关系的认识,拓展了行为现象学的论题域。
英文摘要: Traditional existential phenomenology usually understands involved actions as the fundamental mode of embodied action,in which the role of thoughts or mental states that represent human performances has been largely ignored. In order to explore the embodied action and its relation to thought or mental state,this article examines two issues based on debates that Hubert Dreyfus participated in. The first issue is whether the movement which is guided by thought or mental representation can be seen as an embodied action,and the second one is whether consciousness or reason plays a role in involved action. According to Dreyfus’ and Romdenh-Romluc’s discussion,there are three kinds of embodied actions guided by thoughts or intentions,which are different from involved action. Based on the debate between Dreyfus and McDowell,skilled embodied action is composed of two sub-modes of actions,i.e.,fully absorbed action and involved action. Our bodily intention has no content which is conceptual and rational only when we are fully absorbed in performing the action. The discussion and debate relevant to Dreyfus demonstrate that thought or rational element is closely related to human embodied action.

