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中文题目: The Hidden Integration of Eurasia: East–West Relations in the History of Technology
英文题目: The Hidden Integration of Eurasia: East–West Relations in the History of Technology
作 者: Per Hogselius,Yao Dazhi    
刊物名称: Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
发表年度: 2017
卷: 5
期: 2
页码: 71-99
英文摘要: “East” and “West” have long been prominent categories in the history of technology. The historical literature that claims to deal with comparisons or connections between East and West from a technological point of view is rich and fascinating. Yet, so far there has been no attempt to succinctly summarize or synthesize the main findings. This article takes a first step towards such a synthesis. It does so by addressing technological interaction between three broadly defined geographical regions: (1) Western Europe and North America; (2) Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia; and (3) the non-Russian Far East. The article suggests that East–West studies in the history of technology can be divided into three sets, which would benefit from greater interaction with each other: studies of East–West and West– East technology transfer; studies comparing the evolution of Eastern and Western technological levels and technological “styles”; and studies of large technical systems that materially interconnect East and West.

