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中文题目: 从冯家昇的铁火砲图说起——简评重庆出土南宋铁火砲实物的学术意义
英文题目: Feng Jiasheng’s Diagrams of Iron Bombs (Huopao) and Beyond: On the Academic Significance of the Southern Song Iron Bombs (Huopao) Unearthed in Chongqing
作 者: 钟少异    
刊物名称: Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology
发表年度: 2019
卷: 3
期: 1
页码: 62–73
中文摘要: 世界上最早的铁壳爆炸弹“铁火砲”(又称“震天雷”),是古代中国在火药、火器领域最重要的发明创造之一,但长期以来没有发现确实可靠的铁火砲(震天雷)实物,使得学界一直无法对其做切实的研究。2013 年以来,重庆文化遗产研究院在对重庆地区两个南宋时期的古城遗址——钓鱼城遗址和白帝城遗址进行的考古发掘中,出土了一批南宋铁火砲实物,这不仅为火药、火器发明史研究提供了长期缺乏的第一手实物资料,而且为深入探讨13 世纪的战争史、军事史(特别是蒙宋战争研究)提供了新的物证资料,具有重要的学术意义。
The world's earliest bomb with an iron casing, the iron huopao 鐵火砲 (cast-iron bomb, also referred to as zhentian lei 震天雷, literally "thunder-crash bomb"), is one of the most important inventions of ancient China relating to gunpowder and firearms. Until recently, however, academics were not able to conduct substantial research on the topic, as no actual remains of a huopao had yet been found. Since 2013, in the excavation of two sites of Southern Song ancient cities (Diaoyu Fortress and Baidicheng) in Chongqing, archaeologists from the Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute have discovered a number of iron huopao of the Southern Song dynasty. This finding not only provides first-hand material for research on the history of the invention of gunpowder and firearms, which has always been lacking, but also offers new physical evidence for an exploration of the history of war and the military history of the thirteenth century (in particular the Mongol-Song war), and is thus historically significant.

