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中文题目: 知识参与下的观念变革——晚清科学教材出版引发的社会效应
英文题目: Ideological Innovation with the Involvement of Knowledge ———Social Effects Caused By the Publication of Science Textbooks in the Late Qing Dynasty
作 者: 白天鹏    
刊物名称: 科学技术哲学研究
发表年度: 2018
卷: 35
期: 1
页码: 94-99
中文摘要: 20世纪初期,清廷陆续实施了一系列新政活动,其中新式学制的建立直接推动了科学教材的编写出版,教材的发行数量明显超过往昔。科学教材在全国范围内的流通,引发了社会各界对科学的重视与关注,并在此基础上,参与了由传统到现代的社会转型,这种转型首先体现在对自然科学的深度认识中,科学观念在实现其价值转向的同时,教材中关于新天地的诠释则从另一个侧面动摇了传统世界观,二者相互配合,交相辉映,构成了清末民初思想观念变奏曲中的主旋律,而这也是科学教材广泛出版的历史贡献。教材是知识传播的基本工具与重要成果。科学知识凭借着教材这一物质载体,在深入普及的过程中为民众观念的转化注入了新的活力,也为社会思潮的变革提供了新的资源。
英文摘要: In the early twentieth Century,a series of new policies were implemented in Qing Dynasty in which the establishment of new educational system directly promoted the compilation and publication of scientific textbooks so that the number of textbooks was significantly higher than that of the past. A nationwide circulation of science textbooks got the attention and concern of all fields of society to science,and on this basis,lead to the social transformation from tradition to modern,which is first reflected in the deep understanding of natural science. The scientific concept has realized its value turn and the interpretation of new world in the textbooks has shaken the traditional view of the world from the other side,both of which work together and constitute the main melody of thought variations in the late Qing Dynasty,which acts as a historical contribution made by science textbooks. Textbooks are the basic tools and important achievements of knowledge dissemination by which scientific knowledge has injected new vitality into the transformation of people’s ideas and provided new resources for the change of social thought as a substantial carrier in the process of deepening the popularization of science.

