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中文题目: 生物经济的概念缘起与领域演进
英文题目: Concept Origin and Field Evolution of the Bioeconomy
作 者: 邓心安、郭源、高璐    
刊物名称: 全球科技经济瞭望
发表年度: 2018
卷: 33
期: 2
页码: 50-55
中文摘要: 论及生物经济,经常遇到两个基本问题:什么是生物经济?生物经济包括哪些内容?第一个问题涉及生物经济概念;第二个问题涉及生物经济领域。本文研究发现:生物经济概念及其定义是进化发展的,进化过程中逐渐形成了研发创新、生物质基础、绿色转型与绿色增长、健康及可持续等共性特征;生物经济发展已形成农业及食品、生物制药与健康、生物制造、生物能源、生物材料、生物酶、生物化学品、环境与生态服务八大领域。明确生物经济的两个基本问题,对于把握生物经济的内涵、促进经济社会绿色转型和中国战略性新兴产业发展具有借鉴意义和参考价值。 更多还原
英文摘要: Two basic problems about bioeconomy are often encountered as: what is bioeconomy? which contents are included in bioeconomy? The first one concerns the concept of bioeconomy, and the second relates to the fields of bioeconomy. Literature review in this paper indicates that the concept of bioeconomy and its definition are evolving, and common features of bioeconomy during evolutionary process have been formed gradually as below: research and innovation, biomass as underpinning resource, green transformation and green growth, health and sustainability. Eight major fields have been formed gradually during evolutionary process, which included agriculture and food, biopharmaceutics and health, biomanufacturing, bioenergy, biomaterials, enzymes, biochemicals, environment and ecological ervices. Identifying two basic problems of the bioeconomy has a reference meaning and value for green transformation of economic-society and the development of strategic emerging industries of China.

