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中文题目: 《便民纂》与《便民图纂》关系考
英文题目: A textual criticism of the relationship between Bianmin Zuan and Bianmin Tuzuan
作 者: 杜新豪    
刊物名称: 古今农业
发表年度: 2016
期: 3
页码: 45-51
中文摘要: 本文根据《便民幕》中的引述资料及图像判定其成书时间不早于嘉靖年间,据此糾正了前人把《便民纂》当作《便民图纂》祖本的错误观点, 并断定《便民纂》为当时书坊雇佣文人在抄袭《便民图幕》的基础上而纂成的一本四民通用的日用类书, 撰刻者企图通过对《便民图幕》的改造来吸引更多阶层读者的青睐,以增加其销售量, 这亦是彼时其他日用类书在编幕之时所惯用的伎俩。
英文摘要: Based on its quoted materials and images, it is concluded that Bianmin Zuan was published no earlier than Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty, and accordingly the previous view that Bianmin Zuan was a former edition of Bianmin Tuzuan is not correct. This paper found that Bianmin Zuan is a common household books compiled by bookstore and its employed scholars by coping the former book Bianmin Tuzuan. The authors of Bianmin Zuan attempted to attract more readers from other class and increase its sales by transforming Bianmin Tuzuan, which was a usual tricks used at the time of compiling other household books at that time.

