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中文题目: 气论与医道:宋代以降士人对施肥理论的阐述
英文题目: The Theory of QI and Medical Knowledge: the Elaboration of Fertilization Theory by Scholars After Song Dynasty
作 者: 杜新豪    
刊物名称: 中国农史
发表年度: 2016
期: 4
页码: 23-30
中文摘要: 在现代西方施肥理论产生之前,中国古代士人便依据自身所掌握的知识对施肥理论进行了本土化的构建,对土地缘何缺失肥力,何种物质可以用作补充地力,施肥应该遵循什么原则以及肥料如何在土壤与植物体中发挥效果等诸多问题都有所阐述,从中可以了解中国古代施肥本土理论的生成、演化模式,亦可窥见中国古代医学对农学影响之一斑。
英文摘要: Before the emerge of the modern fertilizer theory, Chinese ancient scholars have already building their own local fertilizer theory based on their knowledge, they discussed many questions, just like why the land fertility is missing, which can be used as supplementary material for recover fertility,what principles should follow in the process of fertilization and how fertilizer works, from which we can learn the generating process and evolution model of the local Chinese ancient theory, and we can also get a glimpse of the impact in ancient Chinese medicine to agriculture.

