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中文题目: 科技史治学之路——美国科学史家席文教授访谈记
英文题目: Approaches to Research in the History of Science and Technology: An Interview with the American Historian of Science Professor Nathan Sivin
作 者: 张志会    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2015
卷: 34
期: 4
页码: 515-526
中文摘要: 在访谈中,席文教授介绍了所受的教育和进入中国科学史和医学史研究的过程。与许多中国科学史研究者的重要区别是他试图用古人自己的话语来理解他们的观点,而不是把古人的工作翻译成现代内容。另一个区别是像其他西方学者一样,他广泛阅读多种外文文献并建立起他独特的中国、日本和欧洲研究。他还谈到了他与学术同行的密切联系,除了许多中国的科学史和医学史家外,还包括日本科技史家薮内清、中山茂和英国学者李约瑟。在他看来,他自己与李约瑟某些学术观点的差异主要是由于他们属于两代人。他认为人类学研究方法之于他的著作的重要性在当代美国历史学家中是非常典型的。最后介绍了他当前与保健相关的研究,该研究使用人类学方法来分析宗教和仪式治疗。
英文摘要: In this interview,Professor Sivin talks about his education,and explains how he entered the field of the history of Chinese science and medicine. In his opinion,one important difference between him and many Chinese historians of science is that he seeks to understand the ancients' own views in their own terms,instead of translating their work into modern categories. Another difference is that,like many other scholars in the West,he reads several foreign languages,and thus established his own style in research on the history of science in China,Japan,and Europe. He discusses his close relations with colleagues,including not only many Chinese historians of science and medicine,but also the Japanese scholars Nakayama Shigeru ( 中山茂) ,Yabuuti Kiyosi ( 薮内清) and the British scholar Joseph Needham. Some intellectual disagreements between him and Needham were mainly because they belong to two different generations. He considers the deployment of anthropological research methods in his work as typical among present-day U. S. historians. Finally he talks about his current research on the history of health care,which uses anthropological methods to analyze religious and ritual therapy.

