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中文题目: 食物的阶级性
英文题目: Class nature of food
作 者: 曾雄生    
刊物名称: 中国农史
发表年度: 2016
期: 1
页码: 94-103
中文摘要: 本文通过阐述中国北方稻米食用的阶级化差异,揭示不同阶级对于稻米食用的态度及行为方式,以及这种态度和行为方式对于北方发展水稻生产的可能影响。发现贵族喜食的稻米,反而不为大众所好。这使得北方稻米在生产上和消费上呈现出经济作物化和副食化的趋势。文中还首次提出宋元明清时期每年数以百万石漕粮的去向问题,认为漕粮的最终消费者大多系在北方的南方人。文章还旁及历史上小麦、青稞、非洲稻米等的阶级性,以论证此种现象的普遍性及其对历史的影响。
英文摘要: in this paper, through the description of the class differences of rice consumption of the people in the north of China, reveals the different attitude and behavior to the rice eating and production, and its effect on the development of rice farming.it is suggested that as the noble food, rice didn’t popular in the public, and show the trend of cash-crop and non-staple food in production and consumption. The article first proposed the view that the final consumer of the grain that water transported from the south to the north, was the southern people living in the north. Moreover, wheat, highland barley, Africa rice and others food crops in the world history also showed some extent class nature.

