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中文题目: 牛顿“判决性实验”判决了什么?
英文题目: What had been Sentenced by Newton’s Experimentum Crucis?
作 者: 樊小龙    
刊物名称: 自然辩证法通讯
发表年度: 2016
卷: 38
期: 2
页码: 61-66
中文摘要: 判决性实验是理解实验在理论构建和检验过程中作用的关键,本文通过重新检视牛顿三棱镜 实验,指出:1)牛顿最初是在培根意义上提出其“判决性实验”的,重在说明其在牛顿个人内心的多种 理解进路之间的一种“内部判决”作用;2)该实验在牛顿和胡克等人的光色理论之间同样做出了有效的 判决:确立了牛顿的日光异质理论,否决了各种版本的修正理论;3)该实验并不直接判决光的微粒说与 波动说,以实验“判决”形而上学假说是不当的,这只能导致对判决性实验这一概念的否定。
英文摘要: Crucial Experiment is among the central issues when discussing the function of experiments in the building and falsifying of a theory. By re-examining Isaac Newton’s “Experimentum Crucis”, this article points out that: 1) Newton proposed his “Experimentum Crucis” initially in the meaning which, coined by Francis Bacon, mainly indicated how a crucial experiment helps an investigator excluding irrelevant clues while founding a pertinent one; 2) Newton’s “Experimentum Crucis” did make an effective sentence between Newton’s & Hooke’s theories of light and color, that is, confirmed Newton’s basic theoretic commitments of the heterogeneity of sunlight & unchangeability of various monochromatic lights, and falsifi ed Hooke and other’s modifi cation theories of light; 3) Newton’s “Experimentum Crucis” was not mean to directly test the corpuscular hypothesis and wave hypothesis of light, and it is not proper to judge a metaphysical disputation by one crucial experiment, as this kind of judgment can only improperly lead to an negation of the concept of crucial experiments.

