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中文题目: 抗战前北京大学数学系的课程变革
作 者: 郭金海    
刊物名称: 中国科技史料
发表年度: 2015
卷: 36
期: 3
页码: 280-299
中文摘要: 北京大学数学系是中国第一个大学数学系。在数学门时期,没有严格落实1913年教育部《大学规程》规定的课程,所设专门科目较少,但分析、代数、几何方面基本科目形成一定规模。1919年之后,至迟自1923年起,课程发生大规模扩张,形成较为完备的课程体系,对武汉大学、清华大学等高校数学系的课程设置可能具有示范性影响。1931年江泽涵主持系务后,课程再次变革,即注重设置数学专业必备的基本科目与20世纪纯粹数学扩张以后新涌现的或重要的专门科目,删减一批长期设置的科目,使课程建设取得新进展。这次变革体现了江泽涵、冯祖荀和胡濬济主张的大学数学教育“惟宜与以普遍智识”的精神,也受到美国数学家奥斯古德的影响,是进入20世纪30年代北京大学数学系专门人才培养成效渐趋显著的主因之一
英文摘要: The Department of Mathematics of the National University of Peking was the first department of mathematics in a university or college in China. During the period of shu xue men, the Department didn’t strictly implement the shu xue men curriculum of the University and College Regulations issued by the Ministry of Education in 1913, and special courses were quite limited. However, it did set up a certain scale of basic courses in the fields of analysis, algebra, and geometry. After 1919, no later than 1923, its curriculum underwent large-scale expansion, becoming a relatively complete curriculum system. At the same time, its curriculum had demonstrative effects on the curricula of the Department of Mathematics of National Wuhan University and the Department of Mathematics of National Tsinghua University. After Jiang Zehan became chair of the Department in 1931, its curriculum underwent further reform. These reforms paid attention to laying out indispensable basic courses for students majoring in mathematics, as well as important special courses or special courses required after the expansion of pure mathematics in the twentieth century, while a batch of long-standing courses from the 1920s were discontinued. These progressive reforms embodied the spirit of the claims of Jiang Zehan, Feng Zuxun and Hu Junji that university mathematical education should only teach general knowledge, influenced by the American mathematician, William Fogg Osgood. The reform is one main reason why the training of talent at the Department gradually become more effective in the 1930s

