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中文题目: 葛利普与北京博物学会
作 者: 孙承晟    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2015
卷: 34
期: 2
页码: 182-200
中文摘要: 葛利普是20世纪具有重要影响的古生物学家和地质学家。他自1920年来华后,不仅对中国的古生物学和地质学教育与研究作出了不可磨灭的贡献,对生物学也十分关心。在他的号召下,1925年成立了北京博物学会,吸引了当时在北京及部分外地所有重要的相关学者。该学会定期举办学术演讲、年会、野外考察,颁发“金绍基奖章”,并出版很有影响的《北平博物杂志》,极大地促进了当时生物学的发展。在民国时期北京的科学界,形成了一个以葛利普为中心的科学团体,其中既有他的中国同事和众多学生,同时亦凝聚了当时北京内外的外国学者。通过对北京博物学会和《北平博物杂志》的分析,可窥见当时北京科学界的国际化程度和学术水准
英文摘要: Amadeus W. Grabau (1870-1946) was a world-famous paleontologist and geologist in the 20th century. After coming to China in 1920, he made indispensable contributions to the development of the Chinese geological sciences. He was also concerned with the biological sciences in China. As the result of an appeal by him and his encouragement, the Peking Society of Natural History (PSNH) was founded in 1925. This Society attracted almost all the famous scholars interested in the biological sciences in Peking (Beijing) and beyond, and issued the Peking Natural History Bulletin, a very important journal at that time. In addition, the Society also vigorously promoted biological studies in China by organizing regular lectures, annual meetings, excursions, and natural history awards (the King Medal). A scientific community formed around Grabau, which included not only his Chinese colleagues and students, but also many foreign scientists. The study of the PSNH and its Bulletin can help us to understand the internationalization and academic standards of the scientific community in Peking at that time

