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中文题目: 从新疆出土实物看汉晋经锦所使用的织机类型
英文题目: Study on the Weaving Technique of Jin-silk of the Han to Jin Dynasties Based on an Analysis of the Archeological Evidence from Xinjiang
作 者: 刘辉    
刊物名称: 中国科技史杂志
发表年度: 2015
卷: 36
期: 4
页码: 441-452
中文摘要: 在收集整理20世纪初以来新疆出土的汉晋时期的传统经锦以及实物分析的基础上,结合它们的技术特征来考察汉晋时期传统经锦所使用的织机类型。早期的传统经锦织造很可能以低花本机为主,到东汉魏晋时期,随着经锦组织的发展,织锦的经线密度越来越大,此时多综式提花机的优势显现,从而成为经锦织造的一种主要提花机类型。低花本机开始处于次要地位,可能主要用于织造一些经线密度较小的经锦或暗花丝织物。南北朝时期,可能因经向对称纹样的流行使低花本机得到了迅速发展,并最终于唐代前后形成了以束综形式提花的高花本的小花楼织机。多综式提花机与低花本机不适宜织纬锦,唐代经锦的衰落、纬锦的兴起使小花楼机取代了两者在提花织造上的主导地位。
英文摘要: Based on a detailed analysis of the archeological evidence found in Xinjiang since the early 20th century, this paper discusses the weaving technique of jin-silk of the Han to Jin dynasties, and concludes that dihuabenji (the loom with a low pattern draft, operated by one person) was likely more widely used in an earlier period. During the Eastern Han to Jin Dynasties, however, as the weave structure of jin-silk developed and warp count increased, duozongshitihuaji (the loom with many lifting pattern rods or shafts) showed advantages in weaving jin-silk and became the main loom for weaving it. Dihuabenji was relegated to a secondary position then, and was mainly used to weave jin-silk with lower warp count or damask. During the Southern and Northern dynasties, presumably the popularity of the symmetrical repeat pattern in warp direction promoted the development of dihuabenji, and xiaohualouji (the loom furnished with a figure tower) with high pattern draft eventually appeared around the Tang dynasty. Duozongshitihuaji and dihuabenji were not suitable to weave samite (the weft-faced compound). During the Tang dynasty, as the jin-silk declined and samite developed, xiaohualouji was more widely used and became the main loom for patterning.

