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中文题目: 中国近代钢轨技术标准的形成与演化(1911~1936年)
作 者: 方一兵 雷丽芳    
刊物名称: 中国科技史杂志
发表年度: 2015
卷: 36
期: 1
页码: 53-71
中文摘要: 中国近代钢轨技术标准历经1911年邮传部《奏定八十五磅钢轨及附属品制造验收通行章程》、1922年交通部《中华民国国有铁路钢轨及扣件规范书》以及1936年铁道部《中华民国国营铁路钢轨规范书》的制定和演变,到1936年之后初步形成了较为完整的钢轨技术标准体系。对三次钢轨技术标准的形成与实施的历史及其影响因素进行研究,为近代早期中国技术标准化历史提供了一个难得的案例,也从另一侧面微观再现了中国早期钢铁和铁路技术体系本土化进程。
英文摘要: The technological standardization of steel rails in modern China prior to 1937 went through 3 stages: “The Specification for Steel Rails of 85 lbs.” issued by the Qing Dynasty Ministry of Mail and Transportation in 1911; "The Specification for Steel Rails of the National Railway of the Republic of China" issued by the Ministry of Transportation in 1922; and "The Specification for Steel Rails of the National Railway" issued by the Ministry of Railways in 1936. A relatively complete system of technological standards for steel rails formed after 1936 in China. This paper is an attempt to discover the historical process of the development of these three specifications, and to provide a rare case for the study of the history of technological standardization in early modern China. Through this case study, the process of the localization of the technology of railway and steel manufacture in early modern China are also reconstructed from another perspective.

