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中文题目: 中国古代的蚊香
作 者: 罗桂环    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2014
卷: 33
期: 3
页码: 326-332
中文摘要: 基于传统的烧香和端午节的卫生习俗,以及对蚊子习性的了解,我国宋代发明了蚊香。当时称“蚊烟”或“蚊虫药”,主要制作材料是艾草、雄黄和浮萍,产品类似线香,并出现专门的作坊。明清时期蚊香生产有了进一步的发展,原材料不断增多,包括阿魏、羌活、川芎、硫磺、樟脑和烟草等等。产品类型也更多种多样。19世纪中叶,我国的蚊香配方曾引起西方学者的关注
英文摘要: The mosquito repellent incene was invented by the Chinese in Song dynasty, based on the traditional habitude of burning joss sticks and ceremony of sanitation in dragon boat festival, as well as the knowledge about the behavior of mosquito. The incene was called “mosquito smoke” or “mosquito drug”. It was made up of argy wormwood and arsenic sulphide as well as duckweed mainly,shape liked stick, and produced in special workshops. The production of the mosquito repellent incene was developed between Ming and Qing dynasty, more and more materials were used to its production, including asafetida, notopterygium, wallich ligusticum, sulphur, camphor, and tobacco. Its types tended to become more varied. The composition of its materials aroused the interest of western scholars in the 1850s.

