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中文题目: 晚清英美地质学教科书的引进 ——以商务印书馆《最新中学教科书?地质学》为例
作 者: 杨丽娟韩琦    
刊物名称: 中国科技史杂志
发表年度: 2014
卷: 35
期: 3
页码: 316-331
中文摘要: 鸦片战争后,地质学这门19世纪新兴的科学通过多种途径传入中国。甲午战争后,近代地质学教科书成为地质学知识传播的主要载体。本文以商务印书馆《最新中学教科书•地质学》(1905年)为例,考察晚清英美地质学教科书的引进情况。通过与赖康忒(Joseph Le Conte, 1823-1901)原著《地质学概要》(A Compend of Geology)初版、修订版的对比研究,指出中文本翻译底本为1898年修订版。分析中文本对原著的增删,探讨其语言特点与译者对术语的处理方式。在分析该书以及同时代其他教科书的同时,尝试梳理地质学在晚清传播的过程,进而探讨地质学传入与晚清时代背景之关系。
英文摘要: Geology, which became an independent discipline in the West from the nineteenth century, was introduced into China after the Opium War. This essay examines the Commercial Press New Text Book Series of Geology (1905), published by the Commercial Press, as a case study in the introduction of English geology textbooks in late Qing China. The work was translated from A Compend of Geology (revised edition, 1898), written by Joseph Le Conte (1823-1901), an American geologist who had various interests in the natural sciences. This essay compares the English language original with the Chinese translation, and examines additions and omissions from the original copy. By analyzing the impact of the book as well as other contemporary geology textbooks, this essay attempts to map out the process of the spread of geology in late Qing China and to explore the relationship between geology and society.

