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中文题目: 物理学名词moment中文译名之创制及变迁
作 者: 王广超    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2013
卷: 32
期: 2
页码: 214-226
中文摘要: moment是物理学中一个基本概念。来华传教士与中国学者合作创译的中文译名混乱且不统一。20世纪初,日译名词“能率”被广泛采用,这一译名可能源于《重学浅说》。伍光建最先在《力学》(1904)中使用“矩”译名,但在当时影响不大。1930年代,“能率”被 “矩”替代,当时逐渐形成的科学共同体和后来成立的国立编译馆在此过程中起了关键作用。
英文摘要: Moment is a basic conception in physics. Western missionaries and their Chinese partners created some Chinese terms of moment which were confused and not uniform. During the early period of the twentieth century, the Japanese term Nenglv was widely used in Chinese physics textbooks. It might be originated from Zhongxue Qianshuo. Wu Guangjian was the first one who used the term Ju in Mechanics published in 1904, but this term did not win general acceptance in the early period of the twentieth century. Finally, Nenglv was replaced by Ju in the 1930s. Chinese scientific community and National Institute of Translation and Compilation played an important role during this course.

