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中文题目: 《泰西人身说概》底本问题初探
作 者: 洪性烈    
刊物名称: 中国科技史杂志
发表年度: 2013
卷: 34
期: 2
页码: 143-158
中文摘要: 关于《泰西人身说概》的底本,学界一般认为是包因所著《解剖学论》,此说发端于范行准1948年的一篇小文。本文则会显示,范行准没有对底本问题进行过深入的考察,除了论证方法上的缺陷外,他所引用的方豪的文章也需认真甄别,甚至方豪所据之裴化行的说法也不足以确认底本。笔者追根溯源,最终将这段陈陈相因的故事源头归结于邓玉函1622年写给法培耳的一封信。在认真研读、分析和比较了众多相关文献的基础上,笔者得出一个十分简单、但是意味深长的论断:《泰西人身说概》的底本问题至今尚未解决。围绕着对这一命题的论证,笔者也对包因的解剖学著作、邓玉函、汤若望等明末来华传教士对西方解剖学知识的介绍,以及前人未曾发现的范行准之前的类似说法等问题作了附带的论述。
英文摘要: Taixi Renshen Shuogai (Outline of Human Body in the Western Knowledge), translated and compiled by the Jesuit scholar Johann Schreck (1576~1630), is one of the most influential books concerning Western anatomy of the later Ming and early Qing period. It has been generally considered by most researchers, following a paper by Fan Xingzhun (1906~1998) in 1948, that the Chinese version was based on Gaspard Bauhin (1560~1624)’s Theatrum anatomicum. However, this paper points out that Fan’s arguments are illogical and that his generally-accepted conclusion is wrong - the problem of the master copy of Taixi Renshen Shuogai is not yet resolved. In addition, the author also discusses certain other background details, clarifies a few relevant issues, and obtains some new results in the field dealing with the interaction between China and the West during that period, especially concerning the topic of Western knowledge of the human body.

