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中文题目: 《祝融佐理》考——明末西法砲学著作之源流
作 者: 郑诚    
刊物名称: 自然科学史研究
发表年度: 2012
卷: 31
期: 4
页码: 457-483
中文摘要: 明末西学东渐之时,恰逢满洲崛起,辽东战事愈烈,红夷大砲及相关军事技术加速传入华土。天启、崇祯年间,出现了几种介绍欧洲火砲技术的编译著作。以新发现之《祝融佐理》钞本为中心,考证该书编者事迹、成书背景、西学来源,分析同类作品之源流谱系。进而就该书所载铁砲制造工艺、防御工程技术,探讨中西技术传统的交融与演化。
英文摘要: In the last 25 years (1620~1644) of Ming dynasty, several Chinese books of European artillery were compiled on the basis of Western literature. This paper concentrates on a long lost but recently discovered manuscript of Zhurong Zuoli, which sheds light on a series questions about the authorship, the background for translating and editing the book, the hidden sources of its contents and its connection with other Chinese books on artillery. The unique narratives about the manufacture of iron cannon and fortification building are discussed, together with a reflection of an interesting phenomenon of the emergence and evolution of Western and Chinese technical traditions.

