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  • 方一兵
















201011-12月,日本东京工业大学科技史系 青年访问学者


20174月至今,中国科学院自然科学史研究所 研究员



2015年至今 中国科技史学会工业考古与工业遗产研究会委员、秘书长

2016年至今 中国科技史学会第九、十届理事

2016年至今 中国建筑学会工业建筑遗产学术委员会委员

2018年至今 国际机器与机构科学联盟(IFToMM)机器与机构科学史永久性委员会副主席








2)中日近代钢铁技术史比较研究:1868-1933 山东教育出版社,201310月出版



1Marco Ceccarelli, Yibing Fang. Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science: Their contributions and Legacies, Part 4. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020

2)方一兵,董瀚. 中国近代钢轨:技术史与文物 冶金工业出版社,20207月出版

3)张柏春,方一兵主编. 中国工业遗产示例:技术史视野中的工业遗产,山东科学技术出版社,20201月出版

4)田淼,方一兵,陈悦等. 科技革命与意大利国家现代化. 山东教育出版社,20208月出版



1Fang,Y., Ceccarelli, M., Chu,Y. Earliest Locomotives in Italy and China from the Perspective of Technology Transfer. Advances in Italian Mechanism Science. IFToMM Italy 2022. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 122. Springer, Cham, 2022.9

2) Fang, Yibing. Book Review:Jeff Hornibrook,A Great Undertaking:Mechanization and Social Change in a late Imperial Chinese Coalmining Cmmunity. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine VOL.54(2022)

3)张馨月,方一兵(通讯作者). 猪胰岛素晶体结构测定项目之中英交流(1966-1973),中国科技史杂志 20231),61-72

4) 方一兵,褚英杰. 面向綦江水道工程遗产保护的技术要素挖掘. 文化遗产科技认知研究季刊(2021年),安徽科学技术出版社,205-221

5)刘伟,方一兵,柯家骏. 中国科学院对攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿综合利用之化工冶金研究回顾. 工程研究 20214381-391

6)吕青,钱营洁,李雪,方一兵(通讯作者). 中国科学院学部咨询工作的演进与特点. 智库理论与实践 20223100-108

7)吕清琦,方一兵(通讯作者). 西北实业公司火炮的模仿与制造——以晋造3675毫米火炮为例. 中国科技史杂志,20204475-495

8)吕清琦,方一兵. 中国近代特殊钢冶炼技术发展研究1890-1949. 产业与科技史研究第八辑,科学出版社2021. 50-70

9)方一兵,孙松. 顺丁橡胶联合攻关中的中国科学院(1958-1976):以兰州化物所制备丁二烯为例. 自然科学史研究,20193

10)褚英杰,方一兵. 从杨庄活动坝看中国近代水位控制工程的设计与实施. 工程研究 20192

11)方一兵,罗志强等. 中国铁道博物馆馆藏汉阳造钢轨文物研究. 中国科学院文化遗产科技认知研究中心集刊第一辑,安徽科技出版社,2019

12)刘伟,方一兵,李道昭. 包头白云鄂博矿综合利用之中科院化工冶金研究回顾. 工程研究 20196

13)方一兵. 矿产新知识的形成、传播与近代直隶煤铁矿开发的肇始. 自然科学史研究, 2018(2)

14) 孙松,方一兵. 民国时期中苏合办独山子油矿谈判研究. 工程研究,20181

15)雷丽芳,方一兵等. 抗战前十年的中国矿冶工程学会. 自然辩证法通讯,20184

16)雷丽芳,方一兵等. 近代中国矿冶工程师群体的形成(1875-1919.自然科学史研究,20181

17)Yibing FANG, Wei Qian. The earlist western-trained engineers in China’s iron and steel industry. Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science 330: Philosophy of engineering, east and west. Springer, 2018

18) Chang-xue Shu, Yi-Bing Fang. Fire brick in China: From mining to architecture. Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories: Proceedings of the sixth international congress on construction history, 2018 (7)

19) L.F.Lei; Y.B.Fang. The innovation Process of the first Curved mold caster in China. Explorations in the history and heritage of Machines and Mechanisms. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2018.

20) Yibing FANG, lifang Lei, Zhiqiang LUO. A Study on the Early Chinese Steel Rails Heritage of Hanyehping Company, China. New Activities For Cultural Heritage: Proceedings of the International Conference HeritageBot 2017. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 43-53

21) 雷丽芳,方一兵等. 抗战时期后方冶金燃料的研究——以经济部矿冶研究所为例. 中国科技史杂志,20163

22Yibing FANG, Marco Ceccarelli. On the Warship by Ansaldo for Chinese Imperial Navy. History of Mechanism and Machine Science Vol. 32.Springer Publishing Company20165

23Yibing FANG,Marco Ceccarelli. Medium Size Companies of Mechanical Industry in Northern Italy during the Second Half of the 19th Century. History of Mechanism and Machine Science Vol.31: Essays on the History of Mechanical Engineering. Springer Publishing Company.20162

24Michela Cigola,Yibing FANG. Trace and Echoes of De Architectura by Marcus Vitruvirs Pollio in the work of Xu Guangqi in 17th Century China. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. No.1 (Vol. 11) 2016. 3-11

25)方一兵,雷丽芳. 中国近代钢轨技术标准的形成与演化(1911-1936)中国科技史杂志,2015153-71

26)方一兵,姚大志. 试论冶金工业遗产的技术史价值. 工业建筑 20155

27Yibing FANG, Marco Ceccarelli. Peculiarities of Evolution of Machine Technology and its Industrialization in Italy during 19th Century.  Advances in Historical Studies. 20154337-355

28Yibing Fang. British Iron and Steel Technology’s Transfer in Early Modern East Asia: The case of Qingxi Iron Works,China and Kamaishi Iron Works,Japan. Multi-cultural Perspectives of the History of Science and Technology in China: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China, 科学出版社,20128月,224-232

29Yibing FANG,Marco ceccarelli. Findings on Italian Historical Developments of Machine Technology in 19th Century Towards Industrial Revolution. Mechanisms and Machine Science Vol.18: Springer Publishing Company, 201311. 493-501

30)雷丽芳,方一兵等. 国外铁路工业遗产的保护及启示-以英国铁路工业遗产为例. 技术传播与文化遗产,北京:中国科学技术出版社,201311204-217

31)方一兵. 试析西方钢铁技术向东亚转移的开端——日本釜石铁厂与中国青溪铁厂的比较,中国科技史杂志,2011年第4

32)方一兵. 汉冶萍公司工业遗产及其保护与利用现状,中国矿业大学学报,2010年第3

33) 方一兵,周伟等. 北京广安门车站的百年近代钢轨, 近代中国与文物,2010年第2

34)方一兵. 焦炭炼铁的发明与英国工业革命 科技导报,2009年第21

35)方一兵. 中国近代冶金工业遗产与技术史研究:以汉冶萍公司为例 第一届中国技术史论坛论文集,北京:中国农业科技出版社,2010

36) 方一兵,潜伟. 中国近代早期钢铁工业化进程中的首批本土工程师 中国科技史杂志 2008年第2

37) 方一兵,范旭. 基于区域创新系统的大学与企业间知识互动关系的实证研究 研究与发展管理 2008年第1

38) Yibing Fang. The earliest western-trained engineers in China's iron and steel industrialization,1896-1926.Proceedings of the 11th international conference on history of science in China.Nanning: Guangxirenmin Press.2009

39) 范旭,方一兵.影响西部地区高校技术创新宏观界面性能的因素分析 中国科技论坛 2006年第1

40) 方一兵. 汉阳铁厂与中国早期铁路建设:兼论中国钢铁工业化早期的若干特征 中国科技史杂志 2005年第4

41) FAN Xu, FANG Yibing. On the characteristics and infuences of the macroscopic interface structure of technology innovation in Chinese universities.Mannaging Total Innovation in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Management of Technology and Innovation. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University press.2004 739-42

42) 方一兵,范旭.界面与高校技术创新的界面问题 自然辩证法研究 2004年第11

43) .范旭,方一兵. 区域创新系统中高校与政府和企业互动的五种典型模式 中国科技论坛 2004年第1



1Who was the protagonist: rethinking the history of mining and metallurgy technology in 19th century‘s China. 1st Conference of the International Academy of History of Science 雅典,2019912

2Beyond Translation: John Bourne’s work on steam engines and his connection with Kiangnan Arsenal. 欧洲科学史学会2018双年会,20189

3The Difficult Marriage of Industrial Archeology and the History of Technology: Towards a More Progressive Union in China” 国际技术史学会(SHOT)学术年会,20165

4Entrepreneurs, New Knowledge and Mining Projects in 19th century China. 英国剑桥李约瑟研究所,201632

5Findings on the history of technology in Italy in 19th Century. Findings on the history of technology in Italy in 19th Century2013422

6The Earliest Efforts to Transplant Western Iron and Steel Technology in Early C20th China: the Case of Hanyehping Coal and Iron Limited Company. 东京工业大学社会理工学研究科,日本东京,20111124

7.British Iron and steel technologys transfer in early modern East Asia:The Case of Qingxi iron works, China and Kamaishi iron works, Japan. 12th ICHSC(12届国际中国科学史会议),北京,20107630

8.The earliest Western-trained engineers in Chinas industrialization of iron and steel production, 1896-1925. 2nd China Research DayThe Department of East Asian Studies, Cambridge UniversityUK(剑桥大学东亚学系), 25th April, 2007.

9.Study on Some Archival Resource of the Hanyehping Coal and Iron Limited Company. Needham Research Institute Text Reading Seminar, Cambridge, UK (李约瑟研究所,英国剑桥) , February 23, 2007 

10.论矿冶遗产与文化的保护和展示. 第一届黄石矿冶文化节主题演讲,湖北黄石,2007924

11.On the characteristics and influences of the macroscopic interface structure of technology innovation in Chinese universities. 4th International Symposium on Management of Technology and Innovation. 杭州,20041020